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Intro: How to lose fat and build muscle at the same time

Is it possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

The short answer is yes, but…

Also no. 

I know you’re probably like WTF does that even mean?! 😂

I’ll explain everything in this article, just keep reading. 

Who can lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

Losing fat and building muscle are actually two conflicting goals.

A calorie deficit is needed for fat loss (consuming FEWER calories than you burn).

While a calorie surplus is needed to build muscle (taking in MORE calories than you burn). 

So, normally, you have to choose one or the other if you want to get results.

You either go on what’s called a “cut” for fat loss or a “bulk” for muscle growth. 

However, there’s an exception to this (We’ll call this group #1).

You can both lose fat and build muscle at the same time if you’re new to strength training or have taken extended time away from the gym (6+ months).

*** The program is super convenient because you can do all the workouts at home (or the gym) using just a pair of dumbbells. You have both 3 and 4-day-a-week workout options so you can pick the one that best aligns with your schedule. There are also video tutorials for each and every exercise to ensure you’re maintaining proper form. ***

If you don’t fall into either of those two categories, don’t worry.

I’ll talk about achieving the fitness results you want in the very next section.

Are you wondering how it’s possible to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously if they’re opposites?

Let me answer that for you right now. 

Since strength training is new to you or something you haven’t done in a while, your body is essentially “shocked” into losing fat and building muscle together. 

You can be in a calorie deficit (eat fewer calories) and still experience muscle growth.

Eventually though, this special ability wears off and your body reaches the point where it says to you “Hey, I’ll continue building muscle but I need more food.” 

At that point, you’d have to choose one goal–either be in a calorie surplus to build muscle or be in a calorie deficit to lose fat. 

Here’s a a checklist for everything you want to do workout and nutrition-wise if you’re in group #1:

Again, losing fat and building muscle at the same time is exclusive to those who are new to lifting weights or have taken around 6+ months off from working out.



Eat in a calorie deficit and count calories to ensure you’re eating the amount of food you should be. 

Also, consume 0.7-1g of protein per pound of body weight daily to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat you’ll lose. Your physique will also appear more defined and toned.  


Strength training

Make sure you’re on a dedicated strength training program, not doing HIIT workouts, Orange Theory, or fitness boot camps. 

Strength training means doing the same batch of workouts 4-8 weeks at a time and applying progressive overload. 



Get your daily 7.5K-10K steps. 

This is a fat loss CHEAT CODE. 

Daily movement burns three times the number of calories as your strength training workouts.

And it’s what people who live the longest around the world all get plenty of.

What if I don’t fall into the category above?

I talked about this in the previous section but fat loss and building muscle are like ice and fire (IYKYK my fellow Game of Thrones fans 😉). 

They’re opposites.  

Since you’ve been lifting weights for a little bit now, your body’s gotten used to it.

There’s no “shock” or stimulus there to lose fat and build muscle at the same time.

You have two options:

1.) Eat a little bit less to lose fat, or…

2.) Eat a little bit more to build muscle. 

Here’s what a year of fitness could look like for you (in no particular order):

  • Eat in a calorie surplus (bulking phase) 5 months out of the year to build muscle.
  • Eat in a calorie deficit (cutting phase) 3 months out of the year to lose fat.
  • Stay at maintenance (eat the same number of calories you burn) for the remaining time of the year to give your body a break.

Here’s a checklist for everything you want to do workout and nutrition-wise if you’re in group #2.



Alternate between periods of bulking and cutting using the “year of fitness” example right above this. 

You can figure out your weight loss calories using this post. 

To get your maintenance calories, the first step is to use this calculator. Put all of your info in and it’ll spit out your TDEE (aka your maintenance number). Eat this number of calories every day when you’re at maintenance. 

To get your surplus calories, take your maintenance number and multiply it by 1.10. 


Strength training

Lift weights 3-4 times per week on a structured program and take advantage of progressive overload (gradually increase the amount of weight you lift over time).



Walk for cardio (7.5K-10K steps every single day).

Wrap up

There are two groups when it comes to losing fat and building muscle.

Group #1, you all can do both at the same time but that’s only if either:

A.) You’re new to strength training


B.) You’ve taken 6+ months off from working out.

Then, there’s group #2.

For you, losing fat and building muscle simultaneously is impractical. 

But you can still achieve your goals!

You just have to have separate periods where you focus on losing fat (go on a cut) and building muscle (go on a bulk).

Between those phases, you’ll let your body rest in the middle at maintenance. 

No matter the group you fall into, you need to make sure your nutrition is on point (stay within your calories and eat enough protein), you’re strength training 3-4 times per week on an actual program, and you’re keeping up with your cardio–not only to aid in fat loss but to improve your overall health. 

What's up?

I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾


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