5 Effortless Ways to Eat More Protein

Protein and weight loss go together like pineapples and pizza (don’t knock it until you try it).
Like tacos and Tuesdays.
Like Jim and Pam.
Like Netflix and chill.
Like copy and paste.
Protein is extremely important for weight loss, and not just that, but also for building muscle and improving your body composition.
But it’s something a lot of people just don’t get enough of, which is one of the biggest weight loss mistakes you can make.
So if you fall into that category, I want to help you change that and eat more protein.
In this post, we’ll be talking about:
- Why protein is so important, especially for weight loss
- How much protein per day is ideal
- 5 practical ways to add more protein to your diet
Why should you eat more protein?
1. It’s super filling
Without adequate protein intake, fat loss can be like an uphill climb on a steep incline with cinder blocks attached to your feet.
How difficult does that sound?
The hungrier you are, the less protein you’re probably eating.
But when you eat more protein, it reduces hunger hormones such as ghrelin and increases hormones that make you feel full.
Staying full and satisfied while in a calorie deficit makes it infinitely easier to keep your calorie intake under control.
If you’re not losing weight, it’s because you’re not in a calorie deficit.
2. It burns calories when you eat more protein
There’s this thing called the thermic effect of food (TEF).
It’s the process through which your body burns calories by digesting the food you eat.
Out of the three primary macronutrients (carbs and fats being the other two), protein burns the most calories via TEF.
Simply put, eating protein boosts your metabolism.
3. Protein is crucial to building/retaining muscle mass
Do you want a fitter, leaner, and more defined physique?
One that helps you avoid becoming “skinny fat”?
You need muscle to do that and protein is key to helping you build/preserve it, along with strength training.
Also…The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be.
So make sure you’re lifting heavy during your workouts and applying progressive overload (progressive overload is to muscle growth what studying is to getting good grades).
Here’s the cool thing…
Not only does having muscle enable you to burn more calories but it’s also functional.
It’s just a fact of life that getting older can come with little nicks and pains that make staying active more difficult.
You can offset this impact with muscle, which will allow you to age with grace and continue living an active lifestyle.
How much protein should you eat per day for weight loss?
A good target to shoot for when it comes to protein is between 0.7g-1g per pound of body weight daily.
So, let’s say you weigh 200 pounds, you’d aim for between 140g-200g of protein every day.
If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, aim for that same amount but of your GOAL body weight.
How to get more protein: 5 easy ways
We’ve covered the main reasons why protein makes it easier to stay more consistent with weight loss.
What do you say we get into some ways to add more protein to your diet?
1. Increase your portion sizes
An effortless way to eat more protein is simply to increase your portion sizes.
Do you normally eat 4 ounces of chicken breast?
Try 6.
Is your snack usually one cup of Greek yogurt?
Bump that up to a cup and a half.
Or let’s say you’re out to eat at Chipotle, for example, ask for double meat.
2. Start off the day with a high-protein breakfast
You’ll be way ahead of the curve by beginning your day with a breakfast that’s high in protein.
You’ll be full, satisfied, and have more energy to tackle the day ahead instead of checking the clock every 5 minutes desperately waiting for lunch because you’re so hungry.
Skipping breakfast also might make it a little harder to hit your daily protein goal.
If intermittent fasting is your thing and you normally don’t eat breakfast, I would just make sure your first meal of the day is high in protein.
3. Incorporate protein shakes into your diet
Protein shakes are just a convenient way to eat more protein.
That’s it.
There’s nothing inherent about them that’ll just automatically lead to weight loss.
So just know you don’t HAVE TO take supplements in order to lose weight.
The truth about weight loss is that a lot of the supplements you see out there online seemingly guaranteeing quick weight loss are, in actuality, useless.
Fat burners (as ironic as this might sound) don’t actually help you lose fat.
Those detox cleanses or weight loss teas do absolutely nothing to help “jump-start” your metabolism.
You’re not a car whose battery just died.
You don’t need a jump-start, nor is your metabolism broken.
I get how confusing it can be to know which supplements are actually worth spending money on.
Just know if something sounds too good to be true then it is.
If a supplement or product gets positioned like some magic pill quick-fix that’ll help you lose weight just by using it, that’s a tell-tale sign….
It won’t help you in the slightest and you’ll just be wasting your money buying it.
4. Calculate how much protein you’ll eat at each meal
For example, let’s say your daily protein goal is 150 grams and you plan on eating 4 times a day (3 meals and one snack).
Take the 150 grams of protein you want to eat and divide that by the 4 times you’ll be eating.
150 / 4 = 37.5 grams of protein every time you eat.
Don’t look at this like, “Well, if I don’t have 37.5 grams of protein every single meal I’ve messed things up.”
It’s more like, “Okay, I’ll probably have closer to 45 grams of protein for lunch and dinner, so then how can I break the rest of my day down to ensure I reach my protein goal?”
It gives you a starting point and helps you plan ahead with logging your meals in MyFitnessPal.
5. Have some quick, ready-made protein options
Are you always running around and on the go?
Maybe you just don’t like meal prep or cooking that much…
Either way, your protein doesn’t have to come from some big, extravagant, 5-star home-cooked meal.
You can add more protein to your diet using quick, convenient options like pre-packaged deli meat, pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, canned tuna, low-fat yogurt packs (Dannon Light + Fit Greek Yogurt is my favorite–each one has 12g of protein), cottage cheese, beef jerky, etc.
What foods are highest in protein?
Look no further than this high-protein foods list for weight loss.
The foods listed below come straight from my weight loss grocery list post, which is designed to help you not only eat more protein and stay full while in a calorie deficit but also contains the other types of foods that make fat loss easier:
- Chicken breast
- Turkey breast
- Lean ground beef
- Lean ground turkey
- Steak (flank or sirloin)
- Egg whites/eggs
- Shrimp
- Tuna
- Salmon (rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial to your health)
- White fish (cod, tilapia, halibut)
- Pork tenderloin
- Low or nonfat Greek yogurt
- Low-fat cottage cheese
- Tofu
- Tempeh
- Seitan
- Protein powder
How can you eat more protein as a vegetarian?
Don’t you worry, I haven’t forgotten about you vegetarians out there!
You should’ve seen some options on the high-protein foods list above but here’s a more complete list:
- Tofu
- Tempeh
- Edamame
- Seitan
- Protein powder (obviously, make sure it’s plant-based–brown rice, pea, soy, and hemp protein are some examples)
- Hemp seeds
- Chia seeds
- Quinoa
- Beans and lentils
- Green peas
- Soy milk or pea milk
- Nutritional yeast
How to eat more protein FAQs
Does protein burn fat without exercise?
Can you lose weight without exercise?
Protein fills you up and helps you keep your calorie intake in check.
Does that mean it’s in your best interest?
One, the list of benefits exercise has for your health would be longer than a little kid’s Christmas wish list to Santa who’s been good all year long.
So if anything, you should make exercise a part of your routine just because it’s good for your health.
Number two, is your goal weight loss or fat loss?
Because those are two separate things.
If your goal is fat loss, that means you want to look fit and have muscle definition, whereas focusing on weight loss exclusively (which happens when you focus on cardio alone) can mean a smaller yet softer-looking physique.
Lifting weights ensures the weight you lose will be fat and gives you that “toned,” in-shape look you want.
What protein should I eat daily to lose belly fat?
You can’t target fat loss in specific areas, that’s number one.
You lose fat overall (including belly fat) by being consistent with being in a calorie deficit.
Stomach fat (especially lower stomach fat) is usually one of the last places people lose fat.
I know that’s the way it is for me!
What protein burns the most fat?
Whether it’s chicken breast, egg whites, fish, or tofu, it really doesn’t matter.
Just focus on the basics and eat more protein.
It all evens out at the end of the day.
You’ll lose the most fat by:
- Eating in a calorie deficit
- Consuming 0.7g-1g of protein per pound of body weight daily
- Strength training 3-4 times per week
- Making sure to get your daily steps

What's up?
I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾
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