How to Get 10K Steps a Day

You have this goal to get 10,000 steps a day but part of you feels like there’s just no way you can accomplish that.
Now it’s got you thinking…
Is it even realistic to get 10,000 steps a day?
Yes, it 110% is, and don’t think it’ll take you forever and a day either.
In this post, we’ll be walking through how to get 10K steps a day.
I have 15 practical strategies to share with you.
Yes, the traditional “park further away” and “take the long way,” etc will be on the list.
I’ve also pulled together some ways to get 15K steps a day that I’d be willing to bet you’ve never heard of.
Be sure to stick around and read the entire post so you don’t miss out on any of them!

Where does “10K steps a day” come from?
I found this interesting (hopefully you will too).
The whole 10K steps a day thing actually dates back to the 1960s with pedometers in Japan.
The name they came up with to sell the pedometers was “manpo-kei.”
Rough translation: 10,000-step meter.
The 10K steps a day steps a day concept essentially just took off from there.
But the point of the marketing campaign wasn’t to say, “You better hit 10,000 steps…OR ELSE.” 😂
It was just about encouraging people to get up, move more, and make physical activity a part of their daily lives.
Can you lose weight walking 10,000 steps a day?
If you’re looking for ways to walk more, you’re probably wondering about the weight loss aspect.
So, if you get 10K steps a day, will it help you lose weight?
The answer to that question is, well, yes and no.
But before you freak out and start thinking that walking is pointless unless it’ll help you lose weight, let me explain.
What you should know about weight loss is this:
It can’t happen unless you’re in what’s called a calorie deficit.
If you’ve ever heard of the calories in vs calories out formula, a calorie deficit is when calories out are greater than calories in.
Being in a calorie deficit is THE ONLY way to lose weight, so if the scale has been stuck on the same number for you over the past few months, it’s not because of a “broken metabolism” or your body being in “starvation mode.”
It just simply means you’re not actually in a calorie deficit.
Don’t look at your daily steps as this be-all-end-all magical solution that will help you lose weight no matter what else you do.
Walking is a piece of the calorie deficit pie, not the entire pie.
Other benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day
The healthiest people in the world who live the longest all have something in common…
They get plenty of movement throughout the day.
In fact, research shows getting around 7,000-10,000 steps per day decreases your all-cause mortality risk (i.e. risk of dying from pretty much anything) by 50-70%.
Walking also:
- Helps you recover in between strength training workouts (lifting weights is key if you want to build muscle and become more defined/toned)
- Is a great stress reliever
- Aids in digestion (especially after eating)
Long story short, you’re missing out if you aren’t walking.
Simple ways to get 10K steps a day
Now, to the meat and potatoes of it all…
How to get 10K steps a day.
So without any further ado, here are 15 easy-to-implement ways to help you get 10K steps a day.
1. Walk and talk
If you spend a lot of time on the phone– maybe it’s for work or you just like chatting with friends–you can take your calls on the go and walk around to get some steps in.
I mean…
Think about a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
When you do finally get the chance to catch up, how easy is it to lose track of time?
Before you know it, a couple hours have gone by.
And walking around during the conversation would’ve added up to a TON of steps.
2. Break up your trips bringing in the groceries
If you’re like me, you’d rather lose circulation in one of your arms than make multiple trips bringing in the groceries.
Making a few more extra trips not only helps the blood flow in your arms but it can go a long way toward helping you get 10K steps a day.
I’m not saying you have to bring in one measly bag or item at a time.
But a few extra trips can add up quick when it comes to your daily step count.
3. Put up fewer dishes at a time
You just got done making a homemade meal and washing the dishes.
So now that it’s time to put them up, how does that usually go?
You rush to put up the dishes as fast as possible (and I feel you, I’d rather be doing just about anything else myself).
Both of your hands are completely full and you’re balancing dishes between your chest and chin.
But all that does is make you start dropping dishes and having to pick them back up.
…. Only to drop some more 😅
Similar to breaking up your trips bringing in the groceries, putting up fewer dishes at a time can help you get more steps in (and not drop so many dishes).
4. Take longer to do the laundry
This goes with taking more trips to bring in the groceries and putting up fewer dishes at a time.
Another way to get 10K steps a day is being super inefficient about putting your clothes away.
Here’s what I mean by that:
Instead of throwing clothes over your shoulders, both arms, and even tucking a few items under your chin…
Put away just one or two items at a time.
The back and forth between the dryer and your closet/drawers put you a lot closer to hitting 10K steps a day.
It’s little changes in your daily habits like this that can help you lose 20 pounds and actually keep it off for life.
5. Walk around the house
I created this makeshift pathway in my basement.
It starts at the bottom of the stairs, weaves in and out of my workout equipment on the floor, and ends at the door to the outside.
Maybe try to make a more efficient path than me.
But you get the idea.
Just carve out a predetermined space around your house where you can walk.
Think of it as your own miniature track.
When you have a break in your schedule, walk a few laps to get some extra steps in.
6. Schedule time in your calendar to walk
Out of all the strategies on the list, this is my #1 go-to for getting 10K steps a day.
It takes the thought out of exercise so you can just do.
With this one, you simply block off time during the day to get steps in.
Don’t just do this in your head, actually commit to it by taking your phone out and scheduling movement appointments.
Treat these appointments with yourself like you would a meeting with the CEO of your company.
You wouldn’t cancel on them so don’t cancel on yourself.
7. Take the stairs
I can’t be the only one this happens to…
No matter how in shape I am or how much cardio I do, I still get winded taking the stairs.
While taking the elevator is definitely easier, opting for the stairs instead is an easy way to get steps in.
One study determined walking just 200 steps twice a day raised cardiovascular fitness by as much as 17%.
8. Park further away
There’s no need to fight for the closest parking spot if your goal is to get 10K steps a day.
Park a little bit further away at work, when you’re out to eat, running errands, etc.
You’ll get steps in and there’s an added bonus—
No one will be close enough to sideswipe your car.

9. Invest in a walking pad
A walking pad comes in super clutch, especially when it gets cold out and you don’t want to have to dress like you’re going on an expedition to the North Pole just to get your 10K steps a day in.
You can use it to rack up steps while working, or just have it close by to get some steps in whenever you have a break in your schedule.
5 minutes here, 10 minutes there…It adds up over the course of a day.
10. Go for a walk after eating
How annoying is that bloated, overly-full feeling you can get after eating?
The food’s just sitting in your stomach and it makes you feel….
Well, a quick 15-20 minute walk after eating is not only a great way to get more steps in but it also eases bloating and aids in digestion.
11. Get steps in during commercials
If you’re struggling with how to get steps in at home, try this one.
You’ll get to relax and have TV time while working toward your 10K steps a day goal.
Instead of sitting there just waiting for your show to come back on, make commercials a productive time where you’re getting steps in.
Walk in place or around the house until your show starts back up.
12. Walk around/in the store
Next time you’re at the store about to shop for some delicious food using your weight loss grocery list, you can get some steps in.
Increase your steps by going for a lap or two around the store parking lot before you begin shopping and by walking up and down the aisles (even ones that don’t contain any items you need).
13. Have fun with your kiddos
If you play tag, hide-and-go-seek, or a sport like soccer that involves continuous movement, just know you’re racking up those steps faster than a money counter machine counts money 💰
You get to have fun with and make lasting memories with your kids while getting steps in at the same time.
14. Get off the train or bus a couple stops before you usually do
This one’s pretty self-explanatory.
But getting off before your usual stop can help you up your cardio and get steps in.
15. Take the long way
This way to get 10K steps a day really comes into play if you have a desk job.
It can be tempting to take the path of least resistance and hit the restroom closest to your desk, or go to the water cooler just a few steps away.
But consider using the bathroom on another floor in your building, or taking a longer way to get there.
It’ll give your mind a much-deserved break from work and help you get steps in.
10K steps a day wrap up
If 7,000-10K steps seem like too much for you right now, don’t be discouraged.
The whole point is making physical activity a priority and building off of where you currently are.
That’s what leads to improved health and more fat loss.
If you’ve been getting around 3,000 steps a day, aim for something like 5,000 and build from there.
If you’ve been getting around 7,500 steps per day, aim for 10,000.
As long as you’re moving, that’s what matters.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be walking either.
It could be cycling, rowing, playing in an intramural sports league, etc.
Just try to get between 45-60 minutes of movement per day.
In the end, you’ll be healthier and your body will definitely thank you.
10K steps a day FAQs
How long does it take to get 10,000 steps?
I’ll use myself as an example.
If I’m walking at a VERY leisurely pace (i.e. I’m listening to a podcast or talking on the phone with a friend and not straining at all), I get a little over 100 steps per minute, give or take.
Multiplying that out, it equates to a little over an hour and a half of walking.
This is just an estimate.
You may walk faster than me, you may walk slower than me.
So I don’t want you coming back telling me I’m wrong about how long it takes to get 10K steps a day 😂
And remember, you don’t have to get all 10,000 steps at one time.
You get 20 minutes here, 15 minutes there, 30 minutes while you’re out grocery shopping or doing a little yard work, and before you know it, you will have gotten your 10K steps a day in.
Is it better to walk 10,000 steps at once or throughout the day?
It doesn’t matter if you get your 10K steps a day all at once or break them up.
10,000 steps are 10,000 steps.
It doesn’t have to be this super intense thing where you’re power walking like you’re training for the Olympics.
The intensity doesn’t matter, you don’t have to sweat profusely or anything like that to get the benefits of walking 10K steps a day.
Just make sure you’re not being a potato and making indents into the sofa from sitting so long.
Put down the remote (that episode on Netflix isn’t going anywhere, I promise) and get some physical activity.
How much weight will I lose if I walk 10,000 steps every day?
Ask yourself this…
If everyone studied for the same amount of each day in school (let’s say, one hour), would we all get the same exact grade?
Some people would get A’s, some people would get B’s, some people may even get C’s and D’s.
Walking 10,000 steps works the same way.
There’s not a one-size-fits-all answer to this that will just apply to everyone.
It’s not like we can say, “If everyone walks 10,000 steps, they are guaranteed to lose X amount of weight.”
Besides, if your goal is weight loss, remember, that requires being in a calorie deficit.
It doesn’t matter if you get 10K steps a day, 20K, or even 30K.
No calorie deficit = no weight loss.
So while walking has a role in maintaining a calorie deficit, it’s by no means the only thing you need to pay attention to.
How can I get 10,000 steps without leaving the house?
To get 10K steps a day from home, you can:
- Make your own miniature walking route around the house
- Walk while you’re on the phone with a friend
- Put up a few dishes at a time instead of a whole bunch (can do the same thing with laundry)
- Invest in a walking pad
These are just some of the ways to get 10K steps a day we’ve gone over on our list, so make sure to go through this post again if you want even more ideas.
How many steps a day is too much?
There’s not really such a thing as getting too many steps but you’ll get to the point where you experience diminishing returns.
For example, let’s say you decide to go from 10K steps a day up to 15K.
The reward for those extra 5,000 steps won’t be worth it.
You may become stressed trying to hit such a high number day in and day out, at least, that’s how it was for me.
I became so focused on hitting 15,000 steps every single day, and it got to the point where I had to, essentially, structure my day around that.
After a while, I got tired of it and started to scale my steps back.
And you know what?
I felt a lot better.
How many miles are 10,000 steps?
On average, 10,000 steps is roughly 5 miles of walking.

What's up?
I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾
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