You’ve been told a million different things about the best exercise for fat loss.
At this point, you have more questions than answers.
The one thing you know for sure is that you want to lose fat as fast as possible.
You’re tired of seeing the same stupid number on the scale day in and day out.
You’re tired of and looking flabby in places you don’t want to be.
So could the StairMaster hold the key to your fat loss prayers?!
I’ll answer the question, “Should you use the stair climber to lose weight?” in this article.
The answer might surprise you. 😉

What is the StairMaster?
Simply put, the StairMaster is a low-impact cardio machine that mimics the act of you walking up the stairs.

You need to understand THIS about weight loss
There’s not a specific exercise, workout, or machine that just automatically guarantees it.
You lose weight by being in a “calorie deficit.”
That is literally the ONLY way and it occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn.
Aka calories in < calories out.
Cardio plays a role in helping you maintain a calorie deficit but it’s a supporting one.
Nutrition drives the weight loss bus.
Related: 13 Hacks to Speed up Fat Loss
Do I need the StairMaster to lose weight?
You don’t NEED the stair climber to lose weight.
It’s just one piece of cardio equipment.
There are a ton of other machines you can use, like the treadmill, elliptical, and exercise bike.
Or you could go outside for a walk (yes, walking counts as exercise and cardio).
The important thing is that you’re moving your body in some way, shape, or form every single day.
I have my 1-on-1 clients simply get 7.5K-10K steps daily.
Related: How to Get 10,000 Steps Every Single Day
It’s low-impact (easy on the joints) and burns a ton of calories too, which makes it easier to stay in a calorie deficit.
Not only that but research shows walking significantly reduces your all-cause mortality risk (risk of dying from essentially anything).
There’s a difference between weight loss and fat loss…
Which one would you choose?
A leaner, more toned, and defined physique?
Or one that’s smaller in size, sure, but softer-looking and a little pudgy? (Aka “skinny fat”)?
Those two options demonstrate the difference between weight loss and fat loss.
I’d bet all my money you choose option 1 and that kind of physique can only be achieved through strength training.
Whiiiich means venturing outside of solely using the StairMaster or cardio of your choice to get the body you want!

FAQ about the StairMaster and weight loss
Does the StairMaster help lose belly fat?
You can’t solely use the StairMaster to lose weight.
And no specific exercise or type of workout can target belly fat specifically.
You lose body fat overall by being in a calorie deficit (consuming fewer calories than you burn) and unfortunately, where fat loss occurs first isn’t up to you.
It’s up to your genetics.
I can tell you that for the vast majority of people, belly fat typically comes last in the fat loss pecking order.
How long should I be on the StairMaster to lose weight?
There’s not some predetermined time where it’s like “Welp, I’ve been on the StairMaster for this long so I’m guaranteed to lose weight.”
And besides, using the StairMaster doesn’t just automatically mean you’ll lose weight.
Again, weight loss comes down to being in a calorie deficit.
Cardio plays a role in helping you create a deficit but you need to understand it’s not the main driver.
Your nutrition is.
Which is better for weight loss: StairMaster or treadmill?
Neither is better than the other.
The important thing is that you do your cardio, in whatever way you choose to do it.
At the end of the day, you want to pick a form of low-impact cardio you enjoy and that you can be consistent with.
Consistency will lead to the results you want.
Is 20 minutes on the StairMaster long enough?
There’s not a set time of being on the StairMaster that will just automatically lead to weight loss.
You need to be looking at cardio as a compliment when it comes to weight loss, not the main driver, which is your nutrition.
Is the StairMaster good for glutes?
I don’t care how many bands you wrap around your legs, how many glute kickbacks you do, or how much you “feel the burn.”
The StairMaster does absolutely nothing in terms of growing your glutes.
If you truly want to grow your glutes, do two things:
A.) Start on this booty-building workout program I created.
B.) Read through this glute-growth guide.

What's up?
I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾
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