28 Weight Loss Truths Everyone Needs to Hear

“How to lose 30 pounds in 10 days!”
“Cut out carbs and go keto to lose weight fast.”
“The sugar in fruit makes you fat.”
“Use this waist wrap to get rid of stubborn belly fat.”
“Our weight loss tea will help jumpstart your metabolism.”
I just rattled off five statements of straight-up nonsense but these are the kinds of false messages the fitness industry has become saturated with.
At this point, you’re not sure what to believe, and I get it…
You feel like a front-row passenger on the weight loss struggle bus so you’ll try just about anything if it promises to make the scale go down.
But with all the misinformation out there, how can you make sure you’re not just buying into a bunch of hype?
To help you navigate through all the BS, I came up with a list of 28 weight loss truths.
There will be some on this list, where, I’m sure you’ve been doing the complete opposite.
And if so, it might be a little hard to swallow.
(That’s what she said)
Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself with that one 😂
But in all seriousness, not only will this list of weight loss truths shed some light on where you may be going wrong but you’ll also learn about what you can do moving forward to achieve your weight loss goals.
The truth about weight loss – 28 facts and tips
1. Being in a calorie deficit is the ONLY way to lose weight
We’re starting off our list with the number one truth of all weight loss truths.
If you follow this rule, weight loss is a 100% GUARANTEE, so take what I’m about to say to the bank and cash your weight loss check…
You have to be in what’s called a “calorie deficit” (consume fewer calories than you burn).
Repeat after me…
I must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
I must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
I must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
What’s that, you say? The scale hasn’t budged?
If you aren’t losing weight or body fat, it can only mean one thing…
You’re not actually in a calorie deficit (even if you think you are).
There’s simply no other way to slice it, being in a calorie deficit is the literal science behind weight loss.
2. The best diet is a sustainable one
If your diet isn’t sustainable, any results won’t be either.
So if you can’t see yourself eating that way for the next 10, 15, 20+ years, don’t eat like that for even a single day.
Oh, and I’m not just talking about the types of foods you’re eating but how much you’re eating as well.
So definitely steer clear of any 1,200-calorie crash diet you want to try in hopes of “losing weight fast.”
I promise you, it’ll just end up backfiring in the long-run.
And word to the wise, if how you’re thinking about eating has the word “diet” after it, odds are you won’t be able to keep up with it long-term:
- The keto diet
- The carnivore diet
- The paleo diet
- The mediterranean diet, etc
3. Carbs aren’t evil
When you hear the word “carbs” do you picture some little food demon sitting at the pit of your stomach just holding onto the body fat you’re trying to lose for dear life?
Stop that.
No single food group makes you fat.
You put on weight by eating too many calories overall.
In other words, it’s not what you eat but HOW MUCH you eat that matters.
And before you tell me about how your neighbor/coworker/family member lost all this weight cutting out carbs and going keto…
It has nothing to do with their body being in “ketosis.”
Any diet, no matter what it is, only works if you’re in a calorie deficit.
4. Fruit doesn’t make you fat either
This is one of the most silly weight loss truths on the list but it needs to be addressed.
There’s this nonsensical myth floating around that eating fruit will make you fat, mainly due to the natural sugars it has.
If you want a full breakdown of why this is a false a million times over, check out this post.
But for the short answer…
No, just no!
Eating fruit will not make you fat.
Can you imagine looking your doctor in the eye on your next visit and saying something like, “I don’t know why I’ve gained weight since my last visit. Maybe it’s all the fruit I’m eating. Do you think I should cut back on the apples and bananas?”
Seriously, don’t overthink this one.
You’ve been taught to eat your fruits and veggies your whole life, nothing’s changed.
5. Counting calories is a super powerful weight loss tool
Our eyeballs are widely inaccurate.
As humans, we grossly underestimate how much we’re truly eating.
But similar to how a GPS ensures you get to your travel destination, counting calories makes sure you’re eating the correct amount of food to lose weight.
It’s too obsessive, it takes too much time, I don’t want to have to go through all that work.
Hey, I get it.
But let me ask you this…
If you have a goal of saving money, would you say it’s over the top or excessive to track your income and expenses?
Probably not, so have that same energy when it comes to calorie counting!
You won’t regret it, and it’s not something you have to do forever.
Doing it for even just a few months really can teach you so much about portion sizes and how to eat with balance (meaning you can still make tremendous weight loss progress without cutting out any of your favorite foods).
The link below is a calorie counting guide that will show you how to:
- Determine your weight loss calories
- Weigh out/measure your food and meals
- Log everything you eat into MyFitnessPal (don’t worry, it’s a FREE calorie counting app) to keep track
6. HIIT workouts aren’t a requirement for fat loss
You’ve probably heard it burns a ton of calories (which actually doesn’t mean a whole lot in terms of workout effectiveness but that’s a story for another day)
So when you hop on IG and see someone going through a super intense HIIT dumbbell workout, you get excited and bookmark it to come back to later.
- Let’s be honest, you’re not coming back to 95% of the things you bookmark on IG (I’m right there with you 😂)
- It’s true HIIT workouts burn more calories in the short-term but what about its long-term impact?
There’s another form of cardio I’d recommend placing more of an emphasis on over HIIT…
In my opinion, this is the best cardio for fat loss.
By the way, I’m not saying you should never do HIIT but you’ll feel like a big giant pile of dog doo-doo trying to cram 6 HIIT workouts in over the next week.
7. You won’t get the body you want without strength training
Most people don’t want to just lose weight, they want to lose fat (there’s a difference).
Too much cardio + not enough strength training = skinny fat physique.
When you’re skinny fat, yeah, you’re smaller but at the same time your body looks soft, unfit, and a little pudgy around the edges.
I think it’s a pretty safe assumption you don’t want to look like that.
The body you want–the one where you have muscle definition and look “toned”–will require you to lift heavy things and put them back down 3-4 days a week.
I’m talking about strength training.
You can create your own customized resistance training plan using the link below:
8. Weekends can make or break your progress
Calorie deficit?
What calorie deficit?
All you know is it’s the weekend so it’s time to celebrate, and that means having a “cheat day” or two and drinking all the alcohol you avoided during the week.
That’s only fair, right?
You stuck to your diet all week so you deserve at least a few days where you get to let loose and not have to worry about being in a calorie deficit.
While it’s true you can 100% still fit eating out, grabbing a few drinks with some friends, and going to social events within your schedule, don’t look at the weekend as this giant free-for-all hall pass.
You may stop counting calories on the weekend but your body doesn’t.
You still have to be in a net calorie deficit for the week if you want to see progress.
So if you’re always falling off track once the weekend hits, you have two options:
- Have less restriction during the week so you don’t feel such an urge to go all hog-wild on the weekends
9. Sweating doesn’t mean your workout was effective
You could sweat buckets or barely sweat at all.
But how much you sweat means absolutely nothing in terms of how effective your workouts are.
So you don’t have to add a bunch of humping the ground and jumping into the air (aka burpees) to the end of your workouts because you feel like you need to sweat more or work harder.
10. All fat burners do is take up space in your pantry
Light your hard-earned money on fire or buy fat burner supplements…
Same thing.
They won’t help you lose fat but you know what will?
Being in a calorie deficit.
That’s not to say all supplements are useless.
For example, protein powder is a convenient way to get more protein in your diet.
Creatine is another good supplement that can help improve workout performance and increase lean muscle mass.
But the truth about losing weight though, is that you don’t NEED supplements.
Make sure you have the basics down first, then you can think about incorporating supplements:
- Eating enough protein/fiber
- Eating your fruits and veggies
- Strength training 3-4 times per week
- Getting your daily steps in
11. You won’t always feel motivated to take care of business
The fact of the matter is you won’t always feel motivated to do what you know you should be doing.
The key word in that sentence is “feel” because motivation is a feeling, and feelings come and go.
If you didn’t do something every single time you didn’t “feel” like it, how do you think your life would look?
You probably wouldn’t have much money (or maybe even a job) because rather than get up on those days you didn’t feel like going to work, you’d just lay in bed.
Your front yard would look like your house has been abandoned for the past five years because, let’s be honest, who always feels crazy motivated to mow the grass or pull weeds?
I could keep going but you get the idea.
Feelings aren’t something you have control over but you can choose your behaviors.
12. You can’t out-exercise a poor diet
This is one of those weight loss truths I had to find out the hard way.
I operated this way for YEARS…
Excessively exercising, thinking that would offset my epic late-night milk and cookie binges.
Eventually, I learned that…
It doesn’t matter what your workout is, how many sets and reps you do, the amount of weight you lift, or how hard you push yourself.
None of that will make up for poor nutrition.
So learn from my mistakes and avoid the pain of finding out on your own that you simply can’t out-exercise a poor diet.
13. You can’t crunch your way to a 6-pack or flat stomach either
The endless amount of crunches or ab exercises you’ve been doing to “target stubborn belly fat” just has to stop.
You can’t spot reduce body fat and your abs will only show if you lose the fat over top of them.
You do that by being in a calorie deficit.
14. You’re missing out if you’re not eating enough protein
Simply eating more protein is one of the easiest ways to boost your metabolism.
You can do that, right?
Sit down at the table and eat more foods like chicken breast, Greek yogurt, and egg whites?
Not only that but protein keeps you fuller for longer, and when you feel satisfied, it’s a lot easier to maintain a calorie deficit.
Protein is also the one macronutrient responsible for building/preserving muscle.
Guess what having more muscle means?
A higher metabolism.
And the higher your metabolism, the more fat loss you’ll enjoy.
Aim for 0.7g-1g per pound of your goal body weight in protein daily.
15. There is no such thing as “starvation mode”
I don’t know what’s more ridiculous….
Trying to convince someone 2 + 2 = 5 or the starvation mode myth.
The reason you’re not losing weight isn’t from eating “too few” calories.
Think about:
- Those who are legitimately starving
- People with an eating disorder like anorexia
- Prisoners of war
- Severely malnourished children you see in those sponsor a child commercials
If you were to ask them what they think about starvation mode, what kind of responses do you think you’d get?
They’ll tell you you’re out of your damn mind if you buy into that nonsense.
This is one of those weight loss truths you might not want to hear but the reality is the scale isn’t going down because you’re eating more calories than you think are.
16. Stress doesn’t make you gain body fat
Your body produces more cortisol when you’re stressed, and cortisol makes you hungrier, which may increase the likelihood you’ll overeat.
But just the stress itself doesn’t automatically cause you to put on body fat.
If that were the case, 95% of us would be over 1,000 pounds.
Don’t just sit around and let stress get the better of you.
Try different things to relax your mind.
Exercise is a great stress reliever, and you can also try things like mindfulness meditation, journaling, yoga, etc.
17. Sleep is a lot more important than you think it is
For the love of all things fat loss, I know The Office is a great show but there’s no need to stay up watching reruns for the millionth time night after night.
Same with the mindless internet and social media scrolling before bed.
Your phone won’t sprout legs in the middle of the night, hop up, and run away.
It’ll still be there in the morning right where you left it, I promise.
Similar to how stress makes you hungrier, so does a lack of sleep.
And also, not getting enough sleep drains your energy reserves.
For those of you with young kids, especially with newborns, you have my deepest sympathies 😂
But even if you can’t get the recommended 7-7 hours each night, even being able to squeeze in just 30 minutes-1 hour more will be extremely beneficial.
18. Eating your favorite higher-calorie foods helps with weight loss
Feeling deprived or like you’re making some extreme, over-the-top sacrifice isn’t a requirement in the slightest for weight loss.
All-or-nothing thinking like that isn’t a sustainable strategy and it doesn’t help you foster a positive relationship with food.
The truth about losing weight is it probably won’t happen (or be something you’re able to maintain) by cutting out all your favorite sweets, treats, and snacks.
Sustainability is the key to any diet, and your diet is going to be infinitely more sustainable if you make room for some of your favorites.
Research shows people who eat flexibly enjoy more weight loss than those who have super-restrictive diets.
A good rule to follow is the 80/20 rule.
Get 80% of your calories from “healthy,” nutrient-dense whole foods:
- Chicken breast
- Turkey breast
- Fish
- Shrimp
- Sweet potatoes
- Fruits and veggies, etc
Then 20% of your calories from whatever you like, be that:
- Pizza
- Burgers
- Wings
- Fries
- Cookies
- Cakes
- Milkshakes, etc
19. Intermittent fasting isn’t special
Some people enjoy it, others don’t.
But intermittent fasting won’t just automatically help you lose fat.
The truth about losing weight is it still comes down to calories in vs. calories out.
So intermittent fasting only works as long as it helps you stay in a calorie deficit.
20. Your “bad” genetics aren’t why you can’t lose weight
This is one of those weight loss truths that might really hit a nerve but it needs to be said.
So I’m going to give you a little tough love here…
Stop blaming your genetics for your lack of weight loss success.
Do some people naturally have a faster metabolism than others?
Will some people have an easier time losing weight than you might have?
Yes, but this isn’t just specific to weight loss but anything in life.
Let’s say school doesn’t come easy to you but you still want good grades.
Do you just throw your hands in the air and blame bad genetics?
Not if you want good grades you don’t.
You study your ass off, which means you may have to try a little harder than some of your peers, or put in a little more effort to get the same results.
Apply that same logic to achieving your fitness goals.
The truth about losing weight is your genetics do play a part but the number of factors well within your control and the choices you make far outweigh the bad genetic hand you might’ve been dealt.
That should be empowering because, ultimately, YOU are in control.
YOU are the captain of your weight loss ship.
21. Eating “healthy” doesn’t automatically equal weight loss
Recall the number one rule to losing weight–being in a calorie deficit.
It doesn’t matter how “healthy” you’re eating because if you’re eating too much, you won’t be in a calorie deficit and see weight loss.
And a lot of the time, foods people consider “healthy” are actually higher in calories, so while you might be eating “clean” in your mind, you’re actually consuming way more calories than you should be.
22. Lower weight with higher reps doesn’t “tone” your muscles
That leaner, fitter-looking, more defined physique you crave?
You don’t get that by exclusively lifting higher weight for reps.
Your workout routine should have a mix of:
- Higher weight for lower reps
- Medium weight for medium reps
- Lower weight for higher reps
It also doesn’t matter what rep range you’re lifting in, you need to be lifting heavy, applying progressive overload, and pushing yourself within a few reps of failure each and every working set.
I know some of you ladies out there have this fear you’ll become bulky by lifting too heavy.
I can promise you that won’t happen.
And another thing I can promise you is if you aren’t lifting heavy weights, your results will be like cell service in Green Bank, West Virginia (look it up)…
23. Fasted cardio won’t help you lose more fat
You could do your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon, or at night after dinner…It really doesn’t matter.
No matter the time of day or what you’ve eaten, you’ll still burn the same number of calories.
So do your cardio whenever it works best for you and your routine.
24. Not every workout is going to be fantastic
For every 5 workouts you have:
- 3 will be so-so
- 1 will be phenomenal
- 1 will be pathetic
But don’t let that get you down.
I’m telling you this so you can set realistic expectations and not beat yourself up when every workout isn’t the best one you’ve ever had.
25. Patience and consistency are the two key drivers of weight loss
You need to have a long-term mindset when it comes to weight loss, because if you expect to be in a calorie deficit for all of 3.5 seconds and see this tremendous weight loss transformation, you’ll be disappointed.
As cliché as it may sound, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and weight loss won’t happen overnight.
Actually, it’ll be far from that.
The truth about losing weight is it’ll take a lot longer than you want it to.
So buckle up, commit to this for the long haul, and stop googling things like “how to lose 20 pounds in two weeks.”
Patience is just one part of the equation.
The other piece is making sure you stay consistent.
As we sit here today, what grade would you give yourself regarding consistency?
By consistency I mean, how often are you hitting BOTH your workout and nutrition goals on a daily basis?
If you would give yourself C, D, or possibly even lower, is it reasonable to expect super amazing results?
26. Weight loss isn’t linear
If you stay on top of your workouts and nutrition, shouldn’t the number on the scale be going down when you weigh yourself every day?
This might be one of those most difficult weight loss truths to come to grips with if that’s what you think…
Because things don’t work like that.
Weight loss doesn’t happen in a straight line down.
The reality is you’re not going to lose weight every single day, week, or maybe even couple of weeks.
But that doesn’t mean what you’re doing isn’t working.
I mean…
I’m sure you’ve stepped onto the scale at some point or another, only to see you’ve gained 3 pounds overnight, or something like that 😳
Don’t worry, your weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons, a lot of which have to do with how much water your body is holding onto.
But the main point is you can’t always rely on the scale to paint an accurate picture of the progress you’re truly making.
There have been times I hovered around the same weight for 3+ weeks, despite hitting all my workout and nutrition goals.
Do you think I panic when this happens?
I keep in mind the scale can be fickle (even more so than a flaky ex-partner), stay the course, and trust in my consistency.
Sometimes, the scale just lags behind a little bit.
But I know that, eventually, the scale will catch up to the progress I’m making.
The same goes for you.
As long as you’re doing what you should be and remaining consistent, the scale will always end up trending in the right direction.
27. Not having a plan is holding you back
Just because you can have flexibility and still get results doesn’t mean you have to wing it every single day.
Trying to improvise and do things on the fly like a standup comedian can really come back to bite you in the ass if you’re not careful.
Rather, when you create structure and actually have a plan or routine heading in, it makes things a lot easier.
Here’s what I want you to do right now…
It’s a simple exercise but will help you tremendously with staying on track.
Take out your phone and over the next week, schedule appointments with yourself for the following:
- Workouts
- Going on walks
- Grocery shopping (use this weight loss grocery list I created on your next trip to the store)
- Meal prep
Treat these appointments with the same respect you would a meeting with Warren Buffet, who has promised to give you all the knowledge he has about investing.
Would you skip out on that?
Doesn’t improving YOUR health deserve that same level of commitment?
We only get one life after all.
Or here’s another example of how planning can come in handy.
Let’s say you’re tracking macros.
Pre-log some of your meals so you have a game plan heading into the day that ensures you’re staying within your calories.
That way, when you’re in the moment, you won’t have to waste time calculating everything out and you can just eat.
28. It’s never too late
To round out our list of weight loss truths, what do ya say we end on a high note?
The truth about losing weight is you literally can’t screw this up.
Got a little crazy this past weekend, binged out, and ate way above your calories?
Start back up again tomorrow.
Haven’t worked out in the past 6 months?
Tomorrow is a great day to go for a walk.
See what I’m trying to say?
The only way you won’t achieve your goals is if you give up.
No matter how things have been for you in the past, you can always make for a better tomorrow and start reinventing yourself 💪
Weight loss truths FAQS
What is the true secret to losing weight?
There isn’t some crazy weight loss formula, hack, or magic quick-fix pill.
You lose weight by being in a calorie deficit.
That’s it, that’s the big “secret.”
All of the weight loss truths on our list feed into this concept–you must be in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight.
On the other hand, if you want to build muscle, you’d need to be in a calorie surplus.
That’s where the whole bulking vs. cutting thing comes from.
Why is it so hard to lose weight when you get older?
If you’re struggling to lose weight after 40, or maybe even 30, your metabolism doesn’t need fixing or a “reboot.”
Research shows your metabolism actually doesn’t start to slow down until age 60, so it’s not that.
But as we get older, we have a tendency to move less.
You have kids, you become more sedentary, sit on the couch more, and overall, just aren’t as active as you were when you were younger.
But think about when you were younger or maybe even in college.
You were running and zipping everywhere, walking miles to class (I had this huge uphill trek in college one year).
So while it might seem like a slow metabolism is the only plausible explanation as to why you’re not losing weight, it’s in all likelihood due to the fact you’re just moving less.
But the good news is you can make physical activity a priority, starting today, and get your daily 7,500-10,000 steps.
Add some strength training to the mix 3-4 days a week and now we’re really talkin’.
What are the biggest weight loss mistakes?
This is by no means an exhaustive list (if you want more weight loss mistakes, read this post):
- Underestimating how much you’re eating
- Thinking exercise can make up for a poor diet
- Cutting calories too low
- Being unnecessarily restrictive with your diet
- Searching for a quick-fix instead of thinking long-term

What's up?
I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾
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