The gym can be a little intimidating as a beginner.

Where is everything?

What does this machine do?

Am I doing this exercise right?

The list of questions you have could go on.

That’s why today I want to share with you my 8 top gym tips for beginners.

I want to help ease your gym anxiety so you can start a new workout routine with confidence! 

Before we dive into those 8 tips I want to say a couple of things first.


Two important notes about the gym

Number one–

Everyone you see in the gym, even the most advanced person, was a beginner at some point.

They didn’t just come out of their mother’s womb doing bicep curls and tricep extensions and having all this knowledge about working out and fitness.

Imagine someone you look up to health and fitness-wise. 

It could be a friend, family member, someone you saw on TV or online, etc.  

Now, picture how they were in the gym at the very beginning of their workout journey.

Did they feel totally comfortable in what they were doing?

Did they have perfect form and technique for each exercise?

Were they as fit and in shape as they are now?


So if they can get to where they are now, then why can’t you get to where you want to go?

That’s a rhetorical question, because you can.

Number two–

If you’re worried about people judging you, I can guarantee you everyone is way too into themselves to even worry about what you’re doing. 😂

And let’s say there is someone at the gym who is judging you.

Meh, so what?

I don’t say that to diminish the anxiety you feel but they’re a random person and their opinion doesn’t matter.

If they’re going to judge you for trying to get in better shape and improve your health, that just speaks to their lack of character.

Their life probably isn’t all that interesting and they must not have a whole lot going on if they have time to judge others.

Besides, are you really going to let the fear of someone’s judgment get in the way of you achieving your fitness goals?

It’d be silly to give any one person that type of power over you.

You’re in the gym to better yourself, and that’s exactly what you’re going to do.

With all that said, let’s dive into those beginner gym tips, shall we?

8 beginner gym tips to ease anxiety

1. Get familiar with the workout area

The last thing you want to do is wander around the gym aimlessly!

Knowing where things are will help you avoid that “lost puppy dog” feeling.  

Do a survey of the gym beforehand, or better yet, ask for a tour of the gym.

Someone at the front desk should be able to show you around.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with where different pieces of workout equipment are located and how to use them–dumbbells, kettlebells, stregth training machines, cardio equipment, etc. 

That way, when you’re working out, you won’t waste time transitioning from one exercise to another.  

You’ll know exactly where to go.

2. Get on a program

If you want to make the most progress possible, forget about the random workouts you saved from social media (which you and I both know you’ll never come back to 😂). 

Instead, maximize results by getting on a legit strength training program. 

A program takes all of the pressure off of your shoulders.

You’ll know the exact exercises to do, how many sets/reps to do them for, how long to rest between sets, etc.

As luck would have it, I have two beginner-friendly workout programs all ready to go for you: 

12-week gym workout plan. 

12-week dumbbell workout program.


3. Work with a professional

It’s like learning how to play the piano or guitar.

Some people like doing it on their own but others like having the support of an expert whose job is to teach/coach them.

As far as the gym goes, that’s where a personal trainer or fitness professional can come in.

It’s their job to take all of the guesswork out for you and put your mind at ease.

With a professional, you have someone there to teach you, guide you along the way, support you, help hold you accountable, and maybe most importantly, answer any questions you might have.

By the way, I think I might know a guy if you want some one-on-one coaching. 😉

4. Take videos of your form

This will do a few things:

  • Performing exercises correctly greatly reduces your risk of injury.
  • It ensures you’re working the muscles you should be and that will lead to better results.
  • Performing exercises with proper form is reassuring and boosts your self-confidence. It’s like “Yeah, I have the hang of this whole lifting weights thing.”

Unsure of how to perform a particular exercise? Google has your back.  


5. Get on a consistent workout schedule

When you’re doing something completely new, nerves are totally understandable. 

It’s like foreign territory.

But getting on schedule and setting specific days/times you’ll go to the gym can help you settle in and get into a routine.

You go in the mornings and always see Bench Press Betty in the free weights section.

Or if you go in the afternoons, you know that, without fail, Elliptical Eric will be in the cardio area just cranking away.

Things become familiarized and you start feeling more comfortable.

And comfortability makes you more confident.

Let’s get a game plan together to help you get on a schedule. 

Take out your phone and make “fitness appointments” with yourself.

Schedule time not just for your workouts but for other fitness-related activities like going for walks, grocery shopping, meal prep, etc.

These are times for YOU to work on improving YOUR health and fitness so stick to these appointments no matter what! 

You’re always making everyone else and their needs a priority.

Make yourself a priority for a change. 

6. Wear clothes you’ll feel comfortable in

If comfortable clothes for you mean leggings and a long, oversized T-shirt, go for it.

If it’s a two-piece, tighter-fitting workout suit, that’s all you.

If you want to rock shorts and a cutoff, that’s fine too.

Don’t overthink it and just make sure it fits under the dress code!

Ultimately, the more comfortable you feel in your clothes, the better you’ll perform in the gym and the more progress you’ll see.


7. Ease into things

I know you might feel like starting off full speed ahead means you’ll see results faster.

But being too aggressive in the beginning can actually do the opposite.

Imagine you’re going for a mile-long run.

You don’t sprint right out of the gate.

If you do, you’ll just end up gassed out and maybe not even finish.

The same thing goes for your workout routine.

Start things off too fast, too soon and you’re likely to end up burnt out, feeling discouraged, and wanting to quit.

Take things slow starting out and graaaduuaallly build up to where you want to be.

You’ll be able to adhere to your fitness routine and feel encouraged to keep going.

It’s that slow, sustainable ramp-up that’ll lead to the long-term results you want to see in the end.

8. Have realistic expectations

True, sustainable progress takes time. 

It doesn’t happen overnight like Amazon Prime one-day delivery.

This might suck to hear but it’s the truth:

Your ideal results will take significantly longer to achieve than whatever short time frame you have in your mind.

I don’t say that to discourage you.

I say that so you’ll be realistic with yourself about what to expect results-wise and when.

You make progress by being consistent over the long haul (key phrase: long haul).

Instead of zooming out and looking at the big picture, I want you to zoom in. 

Focus on winning each individual day.

Lift just a little more weight than you did the previous workout or try to get 1-2 more reps than you did last time (This is known as progressive overload by the way, and it’s key to getting results).

All of these “little wins” you achieve along the way will add up to big changes down the line.


Gym tips for beginners wrap up

I know it can be nerve-racking but as I said in the beginning, every single person you see in the gym has been a beginner at some point.

And some might even be right where you are currently.

Step into your new workout routine with confidence by applying the tips you’ve learned about in this post. 

I believe in you, you’re going to do awesome!

Let me know how things go for you in the comments. 🙂


PS: Don’t wait for motivation to get started. Get out there and create your own motivation! 

What's up?

I’m Chad, I’m happy you’re here! I’m a certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you form practical, sustainable habits that lead to lifelong fitness results. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, and live a healthier, happier life then you’re right where you need to be. 💪🏾


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